Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Our beautiful fambily... Posted by Hello

Hungry male hummer...that's the Fuji FinePix 3800, beeyotch!!Posted by Hello

Sleeping birdies Posted by Hello

Friday, April 29, 2005

Me Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

April 28, 1974

Our parents tell me that when I first saw her, I was kind of bummed, because she really didn't do anything. She just kind of lay there, floppy and pale. Not like a puppy at all.

Of course, then she got older and starting doing cool stuff, like peeing in frisbees and starting fights for me, plus she knew all the words to that "Animal Fair" song (or at least she knew most of the vowel and consonant sounds of the song; it's unclear from her pronunciation whether she actually knew the words per se). In short, she was a pretty damn cool little sister.

As we grew up together, she became more than my little sister. I am pleased and honored to call her my great friend. She is one of the funniest and brightest people I know. The world would not be as interesting or entertaining a place without her.

So, booyakasha RKH, my little sister! Someone smack her on the ass 31 times for me today!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Quick message to Pocketmouse...

You rock. You are one tough Cookie, and we are all damn proud of you. That's right- I said DAMN. You are one kick-ass mo-fo. Fer shizzle.

Also, I like pie.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Not gonna bitch today...

Well, earlier today I saw an ugly mid 90's Mustang and I thought I might just post a big list of all kinds of things that I hate, such as ugly mid 90's Mustangs, but now I find that I'm just not in the mood.

What happened is that earlier today, I received a call from a prospective employer in SC, and it looks like I will probably be driving out that way sometime next week or so for some job interviews. I should know more about the where and when by the end of the week. I admit that I'm pretty stoked right now. I mean, I sent my resume to the manager for the Greenville area, but the call I received was from the regional VP. Also, he was already asking me about my desired salary, so I think that's a good thing.

Anyways, all y'uns in Sleepy Possum and the greater Knoxvegas vicinity be thinkin about P-Cat these next few days. Audi 5000.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Another shot- we had 5 eggs, now we have three eggs and looks like 2 fuzzy little wormlings with beaks. And at least one of the eggs has a crack in it... Posted by Hello

Let's hope the snakes don't get to them!!! Posted by Hello

Howdy to all my kin folks from Sleepy Possum. Keep it real in 2005! And if Mama Possum happens to stumble across this here blogtastic conglomeration of my disturbed brain-drippings...fuck fuck fuckity fuck bitch dick pussy fuck poo poo. Posted by Hello