Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by africatower.
Breaks your heart.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Salamander- Jones Gap, SC Posted by Picasa

Late night ramblings...

Forgive me if some of this doesn't make much sense. It's 12:42 AM and I'm tired and I've just had a beer.

Random thoughts:

God pless poor, stricken New Orleans. From the reports I've read and heard, and from the pictures and video I've seen, it looks like the city is in shambles. Thousands may be dead. And I feel sorry, and sad.

And a little ashamed. Ashamed because I kind of bought into the whole Weather Channel mentality of the storm as an exciting, impending, anticipated major news event. When it was still out in the Gulf, before it made landfall, the news channels were very excited about how powerful the storm was, and they had their correspondents out at the various beaches and seashores, and they had their maps where they charted likely paths for the storm, and I kinda got caught up in that anticipatory excitement. And then it hit. And in its path it left only devastation and tremendous loss, and there was nothing exciting about it.


Gas is over $3.00/gallon now in many parts of the upstate. In fact, I just saw a photo of a station in Laurens County selling regular for $4.59/gallon. Incredible. I've been waiting for 10 years for the price of gas to dip back below $1.00/gallon. I guess I had better give that dream up.


I was listening to WNCW this afternoon (okay, yesterday afternoon), and they were featuring a live, in-studio performance by an up and coming "blues" band led by a gentleman by the name of Peter Tork. Yes, Peter Tork. The Monkee. He's a bluesman now. Somehow. The interviewer asked him how his previous musical experience had prepared him for his current career as a blues performer, and he explained that the blues were always a major component of the Monkees' sound. Yeah, you can really here the Robert Johnson influence in "Cheer Up Sleepy Jean".

It's no "Rufus Xaviar Sasparilla", that's for damn sure. That stuff rocks, I tell you.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Granny's tshirt... Posted by Picasa

Grandchildren. Posted by Picasa

With Nana and Grandad at the Golden Corral Posted by Picasa

What's today, Wednesday? Oh...

Seems like Tuesday comes this time every week. Tuesday is like a marker on a long, difficult trail, telling you that you haven't hiked quite as far as you'd expected. Like you were thinking you might have done half a mile, but the sign tells you that, no, it's more like a third. That's Tuesday.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Us Posted by Picasa