Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

My boss is an insane bitch...

My boss, whose name I will not mention here, is kind of nuts. She reprimanded me today, actually "wrote me up", for neglecting to order a particular part. Now, I admit that I should have ordered tha part last week, but holy shit, lady, have you looked at some of your stuff lately?

I felt sorry for you the day we rode to Nashville to visit a supplier, as I listened to you attempt to explain to the president of the company how you could not know that we were about to be hit with $100,000 worth of welding charges at the end of the fiscal quarter. Truth be told, I've felt sorry for you on multiple occasions, usually after you've said or done something particularly awkward and/or inappropriate. I've tried to understand you, tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, tried to believe that you are basically "good" or "nice". But now, I'm thinking maybe you really are just the abrasive, unlikeable, hypocritical, self-interested little witch that you have always seemed to be.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The South is scared of science..

Okay, last month I heard on NPR that certain IMAX theaters in the South were refusing to screen some James Cameron movie about volcanoes because the film mentions EVOLUTION, and thus would apparently frighten the good, God-fearing folk of South Carolina and Georgia, etc. Now, if I'm not mistaken, one of the supposed reasons to go to an IMAX theater and watch and IMAX movie is to learn something about science in an entertaining way. Yes, I realize that many of the IMAX theaters now show Hollywood blockbusters, too, but IMAX movies have always specialized in edutaining restless knee-biters with really large films about space and dinosaurs and the ocean and ancient Egypt. You know, big, impressive, entertaining movies about SCIENCE. So, apparently now some of the IMAX theaters in the South are afraid to show a science film. I guess the owners have decided that folks in the South can only handle certain scientific theories. I sure am glad that the arch-conservative thought police are around to protect us all from ideas that might challenge us.

What is especially frustrating to me (aside from the fact that the rest of the world thinks Southerners are close-minded religious freaks precisely because of this type of situtation) is that science and faith are NOT incompatible. You can believe that God made the universe and also accept that he (she, it) put certain processes into place to make the universe run. I think that evolution makes the case for God. When you learn enough about science to understand how completely unlikely it was that anything ever happened on this planet, much less evolution and intelligent life and civilization and Guinness on draft, you start to recognize that someone had to put it all in motion.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Catchphrases- Pocketmouse edition...

*"You don't know what gay is! It's homosexual!"

More catchphrases that will catch on any minute now...

*"Behold the box!"
*"Holy Mahouligoggin!!!"
*"Well, thank ya, mister beeswax candle!"
*"My butt hurts!"
*"Broccoli castle my ass!"