Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Thrilling Tales Of Science!!!

Delia Quick adjusted the velocity control lever and glanced ahead. Through the plasti-steel cockpit window loomed the fearsome black bulk of the Korgol Sky Fortress, its stony battlements bristling with countless ion guns and rocket cannons. Looks like it's time for me to hide, thought Delia. She reached to her right and flicked a red blinking switch. The EDC shuttle, Liberty, shuddered slightly as the cloaking mechanism engaged.

Delia pulled the velocity control lever down hard, igniting the ion engines. The shuttle raced forward, hurtling toward the impenetrable mass of the hulking Korgolese War Castle. Delia looked ahead again through the cockpit window, watched as the obsidian walls of the fortress grew and spread across her field of view. She was close enough now to see fleets of troop ships emerging from openings in the walls of the fortress. Delia knew that the vessels contained Korgolese shock troops, hundreds of thousands of them- an invasion force, en route to the cities on the surface far below. She knew she had but one chance to stop them from conquering her beloved Earth.

Delia nudged the steering control, turning the shuttle toward an opening in the fortress wall. She jammed the velocity control again and the Liberty screamed forward through the opening and into the path of three large troop carriers. Delia quickly jerked the steering controls and the cloaked shuttle shot past the trio of ships, missing them by mere meters.

Catching her breath, Delia peered ahead and saw that she was entering a vast hangar bay. Dozens of troop ships were in flight on all sides, and hundreds more were preparing to launch from the decks far below. Delia quickly scanned the hangar bay and found a corner that seemed relatively deserted. Adjusting speed and altitude, she brought the Liberty down and killed the engines.

Grabbing a Zap pistol, Delia Quick activated the exit ramp and snuck out of the shuttle craft. Now to find Matt Strong, she thought.


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