Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Terrible poetry

Awful poetry from some time in the early 1990's. It's just really, really bad, and I wrote it. I should probably be embarrassed by its utter shittiness, but I have a strange affection for it, so I figured, hey, why not post it?

We can all have a hearty laugh as we simultaneously feel more than a little bit sorry for Patrick, circa 1992 (and maybe a bit sorry for the poor girl who was the object of his frustrated ardor).


"Lady Fuck Me Around"

the smiling eyes of she who curses me with her laughter
damning me to a Hell of not being taken seriously
"tell me this my lovely lady-do you feel anything?"
and Lady FMA just smiles at my damned foolishness
she just laughs at my pain, she calls me paranoid
but I'm not
I know what is happening on dark lonely nights when the phone receiver
in my hand is warm and my fingers are sore from dialing but no answer
still- I know how the fear rises and blinds thought and chokes feeling
and I know Lady Fuck Me Around never fears- why would she
what does she know of dark lonely nights spent by telephones
what does she know of loneliness and pain
what does she know of fear


Yeah, it's hard to understand why a girl would avoid such a weird, gloomy, stalkery guy like the one who wrote this poem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I know this awful girl, and thank God, she was such a bitch!

10:21 PM, June 04, 2005

Blogger RachieK said...

I have no idea who this was, but I still have one thing to say to her: C yoU Next Tuesday!!

3:34 PM, June 05, 2005

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