Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Thrilling Tales Of Science!!!

Lord Korg, his gold and obsidian mask glinting in the cool blue light of the L.A.S.E.R., turned to face his enemy, Captain Matthew Strong of the Earth Defense Corps. Strong stood legs apart, his fully charged Zap rifle raised and pointed at the Demonic Despot.

"It's over, Korg", said Strong.

"Never!", cried Lord Korg, and touched a switch on his wrist control unit. There was a sound of thunder and a blinding red light. A trans-portal! Strong let loose a volley from his Zap rifle, but it was too late. The portal had closed. Lord Korg was gone.

Silence returned, and the walls and surfaces of the weapon bay regained their former bluish cast. A smell of ozone lingered in the air as Strong activated his Implant-O-Phone and hailed the EDC starship Freedom.

"Delia, he got away, but I think we can track him. If you bypass the positronic relay, and recalibrate the Pan-O-Sonic subcutaneous osprey phaser, I think we might just be able to refocus the sensor array to detect the ionic signature of his transport beam."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!!! Can't wait until the nest installment!

Also, very confused about which BLOG to check!!! Can you give me some insight??

And, really happy and proud of you Honey!!!!!! Love you bunches!!

11:06 PM, June 01, 2005

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Interplanet Janet:

Ya gots to check them all three now. And if you set up a Blogger account, you can post to Goat Jamboree. Not just comment, but make your own posts.

I know, it's very exciting, yes?

11:57 PM, June 01, 2005

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Is Delia REALLY going to bypass the positronic relay? Won't that send the flux capacitor into the danger zone? And if the flux capacitor is in the danger zone, that means that the Omega 13 may just implode. A very, very sticky situation indeed.

11:04 AM, June 02, 2005

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Don't worry about Omega 13 implosion. A redundant array of photon emitters can be reconfigured to create a multi-spectrum trans-sequenced ganglia matrix, thus avoiding the hot zone issue altogether.

11:43 AM, June 02, 2005

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Thank goodness! I was worried that if the Omega 13 imploded, it would create a warp in the time/space/dimension continuum. And if that happened, well, let's just say that Lord Korg (or "3000" as he's known to his friends) would be forever untraceable by particle beam transference.

12:06 PM, June 02, 2005


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