Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Remember me?

My name is Patrick Hardin. I live in South Carolina, I am married, expecting a child, and I used to keep a "web-log". Yes, a long, long time ago, I used to post regularly to this "blog", as the kids call it, but then a whole ass-load of stuff happened, and now I don't so much post regularly, because I am tired and I have "spells", etc. Okay, let me be honest: I've been in jail. The revenooers found my still up in the hills, and they busted it up somethin fierce, and then they sent me to the pokey. Couldn't find no one to go my bail, so I ended up havin to serve the time. At least I wrote me some good tunes while I was in the joint, cause a kind-hearted jailer let me keep my jaw-harp.

So, what's up? In short, every damn thing under the sun. I will be a father in 3 weeks, give or take. I will be a co-owner of a house in about a week. And work, well, it's crazy as all hell.

It's hard to catch a breath sometimes.


So, I'm going to be a father, which is something that my brain is still utterly incapable of processing. I spend my days worrying about work shit, and my evenings burning my eyes on TV and numbing my ass of the couch. On the weekends, there are other distractions. Still, I'm always thinking about the kid. Somewhere, way back in my brain, that's all I ever think about. And I'm sure that I will never stop thinking about this kid. But the biggest part of my brain still cannot handle that everything in the world is about to change forever. So I think about work. And the Dixie Chicks. And the Canon ZR600 video camera. And Smokey's inappropriate pee. But no matter what distracts me, the reality is that in 2-1/2 weeks, I will be responsible for a tiny helpless person with a pointy head, and I'm still not even sure that I can put this little person in the car seat without breaking something.

I really need to start doing cycle counts DAILY.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You worry wayyyy toooo muchhhhh!
Life is good, you guys will BE GREAT parents, look at your role models...relax and enjoy the ride!

10:31 AM, June 06, 2006


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