Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Monday, January 16, 2006

A mind like a concrete block...

My mind is dull and gray and hard like a concrete block.
It hurts me to think.
Still, I think I'm happy, even if my mind seems not to work very well lately.
Actually, I blame it all on the Xbox. Too many late nights sniping Covenant with my beam rifle.

Yes, I am a huge nerd.

Or, it could be the post-holidays funk. Daily life always seems grayer and more dull in January. I was considering joining the Russian Orthodox church so that I could celebrate Christmas again on Jan 6, but then I remembered that I can't read Cyrillic. Plus, have you seen the beards on their priest-guys? Terrifying.

I should mention here that Chauntelle and I did visit a Russian Orthodox church during my first trip to Juneau. We actually spoke with one of the priests. He was from Alabama. Yeah, he had the beard and the robes, so he definitely had the look of an Russian Orthodox holy man, but when he spoke, all I heard was Crimson Tide.

Plus, I remember that he wore a pair of big, tan, dirty work boots. With his priest outfit. With the beard and the boots and the accent, he kind of had a wild holy man of the woods thing going for him, kind of a Priest Adams of Grizzly Parish vibe happening. But I digress from my digression.

By the way, I like The Shins. Thank you Rachel for making me illegal copies of their CDs. You're a pirate! Argh!

I'm thinking we should all go to the island of Islay some day. It's the queen of the Hebrides. They make a lot of scotch there. We could all have lunch at The Old Kiln Cafe, which is located in the former peat kiln of the Ardbeg distillery. I think I'll have the fish.

It's funny, but I don't feel like a gray block of concrete any more.

Know your onion!!!


Blogger MiMi & Papa said...

January is my least favorite month of the year...always has been. I miss my kids...Patrick, that's you guiltification for the us more!...and the weather is awful, and it's dark all the time here in the Middle Kingdom. Hate January!

But, I'm looking forward to spending lots of quality time with my kids as the year goes along because we're taking long weekends to Greenville so we can witness this blessed event in all it's stages...sorry Chauntelle! That's our go and snag 'Chul in K-town, and head for the Carolina hills as often as possible this year...again, sorry Chauntelle!

10:19 AM, January 17, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred and I got to know a Park Ranger pretty well when we were going to Catoosa on a regular basis, he was very pleasent, reminded me of Ranger Smith...wasn't that his name on Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo? I can't remember, but I really liked him. He was our buddy!

9:34 AM, January 19, 2006

Blogger Chauntelle said...

I like that the park ranger's blog's website is "juicyfruiter"--yeah, that sounds like a park ranger....

1:00 PM, January 19, 2006

Blogger RachieK said...

Yeah, I'm trying very hard to beat the blahs, myself. I think I am trying to convince myself that I am happy, only to secretly know that I am not. Or maybe it's the other way around. But at least I'm trying. I'm glad you like the CD's bro. They are fast becoming one of my favs. I think that other blog must be a day in the life of a very horny park ranger who probably gets nekid in inappropriate places and may have sex with random hikers. I'm sure it's like "Here I am tagging a brown bear, and oops my boobie fell out." I'm also wondering how someone could find someone's blog "inquisitive". It's like finding someone's blog hungry or confused.

11:23 PM, January 20, 2006

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Actually, I checked out the blog, and it seems to be legit. I'm not sure what "markingals48492422" is, though. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the blog itself, which really is about the daily adventures of a park ranger who happens to greatly enjoy a particular brand of chewing gum. Hmm.

11:53 PM, January 20, 2006


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