Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Not really all that funny-

Here are just some thoughts that I put down on Notepad (not a notepad) a few months ago. Apropos of nothing. Not particularly funny. Just wanted to stick it up her. Like ta hear it? Here it goes.

Practice kindness, courtesy, patience.

Try to give no one cause to hate you. Treat every person with kindness, courtesy, patience, and respect. Recognize, however, that some people will not like you no matter what you do. Accept this fact and move on.

Appreciate every moment and every experience. Take nothing for granted.

Recognize that perception is reality.

Life is too short for you to waste precious time worrying about things you can not control.

Treat others as you would have them treat you; in fact, being good to others is the same as being good to yourself.

Remain calm in the presence of agitation and turmoil.

Cultivate serenity, courage, strength, and wisdom.

Realize that life is best when it is lived. There is no future time when your life will begin “for real”. This, now, is your life.

Every moment of life, every moment of awareness, is precious.

Study and learn and grow. Stretch until it hurts; pain can be a sign of growth.

Do as much as you can do. Recognize, however, that some things can not be done. Accept this fact and move on.

Try to understand the craziness of others.
(Those manic, hyperventilating folks may not be all that crazy after all.)

What would Andy Taylor do?

Work hard, sweat, get dirty. Struggle, strive, and overcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez son!!!! I always knew you were one amazing writer, but holy cow!!! This stuff is great!!!


10:09 PM, May 12, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes... it is he is awesome? That head is big for something!

12:08 AM, May 14, 2005


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