Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I am one lucky sumbitch...

Suzanne Sparklepants...

Here is a photograph (artsied-up a bit) of a brilliant, funny, charming, beautiful, and extremely patient person who is so wonderful and fantastic that she actually manages, somehow, to make me seem more interesting and attractive just by her proximity to me. My life before I met her was craptastic and shit-encrusted. The 10 years since have been like a twilight ride on the Legend roller coaster at Holiday World, rushing throught the trees as darkness falls, never really knowing what's going to happen next, but always thrilled and excited and ready for the next hairpin curve or camel hump (airtime!) or sudden heart-stopping plunge. Hey, I think it's going faster this time! Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could weep!!!! I'm so happy that you are so happy!!! Dad and I agree, she's pretty wonderful!!!


10:10 PM, May 12, 2005

Blogger RachieK said...

You know, she is a pretty freakin' awesome sister too! She laughs with me, she cries with me, she tells me when I am full of shit....Plus she makes my brother so happy that he waxes poetic! And maybe his back. Did I make you giggle sis?

11:13 PM, May 12, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing fairy magic happiness to my cusin pooky!!! Man, you are one romantic dude..How much do you charge for lessons?

8:25 AM, May 13, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Rachel, you made me giggle.

Patrick--I love you. You DO make me happy, and I can't--and don't want to--imagine my life without you. You are my world and I would be lost without you. Everything that's good, you make better. You put your arms around me, and I know that everything will be okay--because you are with me. You are the first person I think of when I wake up, and the last thought in my mind before I fall asleep.

I love you completely, totally, wonderfully.

Thank you for the best 10 years of my life!

9:26 AM, May 13, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the title link on this one?

3:54 PM, May 13, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay i have chill bumps and big tears you give a girl hope that true love is out there. She is an amazing woman you did a fine job there cuz.. yes a fine job!

12:49 AM, May 14, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I've tried not to jump in and give Mama Possum's advice about true love, but you all knew it was comin'!

Dan and I've been married for 35 years, and were high school sweethearts, so I think maybe I know a little about true love. Not an expert, but maybe close!

The first secret about finding true love is to have an honest open heart. I know that some of you have been hurt more than I can imagine. To have you heart shattered is a terrible thing, and I know it must seem so hard to think about opening yourself up again, but until you just completely open your heart, true love can't get in.

The second thing is to look in the right places. What I mean here is that it's hard to have a deep meaningful relationship with someone you met five minutes ago in a bar. You have to really know someone to feel true love for them...not talking about true LUST here...this is competely different.

The third thing is to look for the right kind of person. Being attracted to them physically is important. I'll grant you that. To this day, I think Dan is pretty dang hot!!! (Sorry to make you gag here!!) But, and this is the most important thing I'll say, this person needs to be someone you can trust, that you can be honest with, and who you can be yourself with all the time! If you have to pretend you're someone else with them, then what's the point??? The true love person is the one who "gets" you. Forget about the whole opposites attract thing. You've got to have something in common to talk about over the long haul. True love LASTS until the end of your life. All of your life!!! That's a long, long time I hope, and you'd better have someone to talk and laugh with when you get my age. Dan "gets" me, even when he probably wishes I'd shut the heck up, he get's me and we're on the same page all the time. Feeling like your heart is completely "safe" with someone else is a remarkable thing. And knowing that another person will always have yourest interest at heart and will put your needs first is amazing. That is the person who's your true love and your best friend. They GET you!

Stpehen, for you it's even more complicated because your first priority HAS to be Anna. Will this woman be willing to take on the responsibility of helping to raise this little precious gift from God. That MUST be formost in your mind. Children fall in love with the adults that come into their lives really quickly, and you have to be sure that the women you bring to her will love her back. She's so little and you are, sadly, the only REAL parent she has. Be cautious with this responsibility because it's the biggest one you'll ever have. Find yourself a true love ( wife I hope) who is not only in love with your crazy wonderful self, but in love with Anna. Your first instinct will be to take care of yourself, but it's not just about you anymore.

OK, I'm finished for the moment, but I'll leave you with this...I would rather do NOTHING with my sweet Dan than to do ANYTHING with someone else. We have the best time in the world just talking and laughing about things the only we understand. I'm sure others think we're nuts, but we don't care!That's true love!

Love all you little possums!!!

7:28 PM, May 15, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, can that Mama Possum tell it like it should be!!
As you know, this is from the "OTHER MAMA", the one who marries a LOT!
When all else fails, marry your best and I mean BEST friend! It may not be perfect, but we can always be friends no matter what.
Patrick, I am so happy yo married that sweet little cutie, Telly! We all love her so much! I can't imagine her not being around, it seems she completes the madness that is you!
Loves and Hugs,
Aunt Pug (Sweet Mother of COOL!)

4:18 PM, May 17, 2005


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