Do you like pork? Corn whiskey? Wrasslin with horses and small bears? XBox? Cheese sammiches and brown dope? If so, I'm yer Captain Posey Pants.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Mind full of nothin...

It's been over a week since I've posted, but as I sit here now, I realize that I have jack shit to say at the moment.

I'll try anyway, if only to make you happy.

*Looks like I'll be leaving my current workplace at Kennametal in Clemson by the end of next week. It seems that another IDG site just closed, and one of its buyers is now without a home, so the Kennametal site will be taking her next Monday. Which means that IDG will no longer need me in Clemson. So, I'll only be there next week as long as it takes someone to figure out where to send me. I'm hoping back to Honeywell; from what I've seen, they can always use an extra hand there. Plus, Honeywell is 7 minutes away. Which is nice.

*So, anyway, I fell on my face at the Earth Fare the other day. I was wearing some new work boots, special "slip-resisitant" botts that were actually not slip-resisitant. At all. But, that's not why I fell. As I was driving home from Clemson, I found that the new boots were bothering my ankles as I drove. So, I untied the boots and and loosened them up to give my ankles room to move. When I got to Earth Fare, I kept the boots untied, but I tucked the loose laces into the boots so that I wouldn't trip over them. Unfortunately, I did not slip my pants legs back down over the boot tops. As a result, the little metal hook things at the tops of my boots were uncovered. Now, I did not realize this fact, but apparently, if a person is not paying close attention, these metal hook things can kind of slide against one another as a person is walking. If the hook things slide against one another enough times, they might catch on one another, and lock together. When this happens, Patrick goes down in slow-motion, AT-AT style. I think I even made a "reooowrr" sound as I went down. Luckily, no one saw me. Or if they did, they were kind enough to move away quickly so that when I managed to pull myself back up I saw no one around. I limped up to the checkout with my basket of purchases, amazed that I had broken nothing. The checkout dude asked me how I was doing. "Well, I just fell, but other than that, good."

"Dude," the checkout dude asked, "was it a slick spot on the floor?" He sounded concerned in his dude-way. I think he was sorry that my mellow apparently had been harshed.

"No, it was my stupid boots!" said I, sounding just as dumb as my stupid boots. Then I took my bags and limped out to my truck.


Blogger Chauntelle said...

I saw the carnage from the, what shall now & forever be known as, "Unfortunate Earth Fare Incident." (Not to be confused with the "Unfortunate Frisbee Incident.") It was bad. There was some skin scrapage. No blood, that I could see. And I'm not sure it warranted a special band-aid. A regular band-aid, maybe.

I must confess. When Patrick walked in to the apartment, and said, "Well, I fell at Earth Fare," my first instinct was to make sure he was okay. I, like the checkout Dude, thought he may have slipped on a slick spot, and fell down, injuring that beautiful, heavy melon head of his. But then, when Patrick said he was okay, my second instinct was to laugh. Not in an uncontrollable, snorting manner. But a laugh nonetheless. He was chuckling a bit, too. Not as much as I was. (No, I'm not proud that I laughed at my husband. Did I mention that my first wifely instinct was to make sure that he wasn't injured or made 'tarded?)

So...he's fine. Nurse Kala would be proud--we made sure there was no stiffness or swelling about the patella (that's "kneecap" to you non-medical folks)--and I do have frozen veggies on hand should we have needed to apply a cold compress.

10:42 PM, September 10, 2005

Blogger RachieK said...

OK, I must admit, I laughed when I read this. Quite a bit in fact. OK, so I'm still kinda laughing. If you'd been at Walmart, or some other "world dominating power" store, I think you should have told them that it WAS a wet spot. You'd be RICH!!!!! All kidding aside, I'm glad no major damage was done. I kinda like your big melon head the way it is!

11:43 PM, September 10, 2005

Blogger MiMi & Papa said...

Yep, me too. Couldn't help it! But, I SO understand! And, I wish it was only that the boots had a mind of their own, but you and your sister were pre-destined to be completely uncoordinated. That is a Jenkins dominate trait! Sorry. Add that to the long list of things you've inherited that are crap!

12:53 PM, September 12, 2005

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Let me just say how reassuring it is to know what kind of gene pool we're working with here. Really makes me sleep easy at night, thinking about what a child created from Patrick & myself will be like....

So far I've got:
Huge Melon-like head
Bad Hair (except for Patrick...he's got great hair. Sorry, Dan. No offense intended.)

Luckily, the ability to sing well & be really smart & clever are also in the mix (the singing coming from Patrick, not from me!); also, I think I have an ability to accessorize, which is helpful here in the South.

6:11 PM, September 12, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the ability to be total smart asses without EVEN trying, absolutely funnier than sh__ (you fill in the blanks), moodier than crap, extremely talented writers and the list goes on and on...We could have many lists off the lists.
I'm not sure I remember the Freesbee incident? what was that/

10:59 AM, September 13, 2005

Blogger Chauntelle said...

Let's just say that wet grass, hidden holes & lunging for a Frisbee is not a good combo. The conclusion of the Incident involved frozen peas, crutches (which we still have, for reasons that haven't been adequately explained to me) & a backward crab-walk in search of snacks...

It wasn't pretty.

3:21 PM, September 13, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I am a nurse but it doesn't change the fact that I busted out with the uncobtrollable laughter and yeah... I did snort!! Man that would have benn a million dollar video!!! I'm glad also that you weren't made 'tarded!!! I don't know that the would have a helmet big enough to fit your melon head!!

12:04 AM, September 15, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I check the Direct Supply Catalog for helmet, they don't have a "Melon-head" size listed, sorry P-Cat! You better just be careful with that big old head of your, or maybe we could just get you a motercycle helmet! That would work and you would really look cool!

10:21 AM, September 15, 2005


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